“With 5X, the cost-saving has been so tremendous I was able to kind of hire more of an in-house team to work on the development side.”

Keith Elliott

CTO of Encantos

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What data in a box does for your business

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the famous Semantics

Operation efficiency

Using data to measure how customers are using your product creates

Smart Decision Making

Worry free security environments with all the locks and checks in place

Auto-Managed Enterprise Contracts

Get qualified engineering support on day one, so you dont have to hire an army of engineers

Self-service reporting

Companies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service as

Efficient Automation

You cannot focus on Data Products/Data science/advanced

Improve core business metrics

Visibility into core business metrics is the precursor for optimization

Getting Started with

Data In A Box v/s Setting up your data stack

Data is there to optimise the business

Time to analytics

Companies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service asCompanies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service a sCompanies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service as


Companies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service asCompanies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service a sCompanies than can answer 80% of adhoc questions self service as


Pre-baked setup to get you up and running in no time

During the first week, 5x sets up all 5 layers of the data stack for you

  • Your data is always protected through the right process

  • Your core data stack delivered out of the box

  • Integrate other niche services with 1-click

  • You dont need to keep track of signing multiple enterprise contracts with multiple vendors


Full-time Dedicated Data Engineer

5x also provides a remote data engineer who is dedicated to your team. Think of this person as an extension of your internal team.

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Benefit two of why you should sign up

Benefit one of why you should sign up

Benefit two of why you should sign up

“The 5X Data team helped us achieve 80% faster data transfer”

Kelly Lensing

Technical Project Manager at Encantos

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Meet the Founder

Tarush Agarwal

Founder & CEO 5X

Tarush is one of the leading experts in leveraging data for exponential growth, with over ten years experience in the field.